Event activations are turning digital during Coronavirus


Events activations are turning to digital and social for support during the global pandemic. 

It’s clearly a challenging time for any brand looking to engage with consumers on the ground in any capacity, and it seems like this is just the beginning. The virus is seeing thousands of events, launch parties and internal social events being postponed or cancelled. We’ve had many brands and agencies contact us about trying to turn their offline activations digital, and where possible we can and will help. 

 Gen Z and millennials will undoubtedly be spending more time than ever (if that’s possible) on social media during the COVID-19 pandemic, but how will consumption behaviour change over the coming months? Will we see a rise in D2C businesses? Will consumption grow for home entertainment services, home delivery services and pre–made food boxes? It would seem obvious, but with financial uncertainty spreading and employment security dwindling, only time will tell. We’ll be looking to use social in a more meaningful way than ever before. 

This is a chance for brands to engage and embrace their communities in a way they haven’t had to before. Through all the negativity there is hope and an opportunity to build a deeper trust with consumers, and to run programs and content streams that inform and support all types of anxiety and health issues. We’ll be challenging and pushing brands to adapt and be more reactive than ever before.

 Look out for everyone around you, at work and at home. 


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