Has social media become a more positive place since Coronavirus?


Has social media become a healthier and more positive place as a result of Coronavirus?

It’s almost impossible to ignore the amount of content that’s been produced, both serious and humorous throughout this unprecedented time. Both individuals and brands are posting and sharing experiences, tips and news from around the world to help everyone through one of the toughest times many generations have ever seen. Meme’s, videos and parodies are spreading through dark social (Whatsapp, direct messages and Telegram) almost quicker than the virus itself, in an attempt to keep spirits high and positivity in focus.

Whatsapp threads, Facebook groups and downloads of the House Party app have surged, but has this created a greater sense of being connected or has it added unnecessary stress and pressure to those consuming social media?

For us, it’s amazing to see how day by day the world seems to be that little more connected. Bill Gates yesterday wrote an open letter sharing insight into how Covid-19 is making us more connected and shows how equal we all really are. Whether this is a ‘correction’ more than a crisis, it’s hard to ignore that the power of free will really is in our hands and is asking the world to come together to support each other.

Trending topics will remain Coronavirus focused for many months to come, but we hope it will changes how generations post, share and think about the effect they can have on others around them in a more positive and less self absorbed way.

Stay safe and stay indoors. We’re keen to know your thoughts on how social media is responding and what’s had the most dramatic impact on you. Email brands@noisemediagroup.co.uk


Noise x Yellow Candle


Event activations are turning digital during Coronavirus